Create faster than ever.

Turn ideas into full, complete scripts within minutes. Edit as you go to personalize exactly to your liking.


Better than ChatGPT

Take advantage of our fine tuned ChatGPT models trained on 100+ hours of youtube content. Say goodbye to cheesy, uninspired scripts and step into the next generation of content creation.


  • Custom Trained AI
  • Personalized Knowledge
  • Easy to Use Editor

Custom Trained AI

Our models have been trained on 100+ hours of content, specifically trained to make you go viral.

Personalized Knowledge

Use your own custom knowledge or grab from the internet. Create personalized videos specifically tailored to you and your opinions.

Easy to Use Editor

Not satisfied with your response? Make edits as you go or use AI to edit the section for you.

Our Pricing

Try for free, upgrade later


$0 /mo

Try it for free, with limited features

  • 5 Daily AI Credits
  • Limited Custom Knowledge

  • Discord Customer Support


$10 /mo

Everything unlocked, no limitations

  • Unlimited AI Credits
  • Unlimited Custom Knowledge
  • Priority Server Access
  • Priority Customer Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use AI for Youtube Scripts?

Times are changing. As a small content creator, it's hard to compete with Youtubers with millions of subscribers, and high budgets to go towards professional script writers. Well now, the power is in everyones hands. And it's free!

Does Scriptr generate original content?

Yes. The best part about Scriptr is our custom knowledge feature. The information you put in will be used as the content for your video. Our AI takes that information and turns it into engaging content ready to make your channel go VIRAL!

Is Premium worth it?

Our premium subscription provides the best experience for people who intend to use Scriptr on a regular basis. If you're just trying it out, the free plan should be enough to help you understand if our program is for you.